David's Bird Website

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Duck Catching at Lake George
Mallard Duck at Lake George

My Favorite Bird - The Hummingbird
Ruby Throated Hummingbird

The Ruby Throated Hummingbird will not eat seed from normal bird feeders.This bird will only eat nectar from plants or from your hummingbird feeder. The size of this birds nest is very small!It is about the size of a quarter and about an inch deep.The female Ruby Throated Hummingbird does not have as much color and is mostly green but some white on the inner body.The Ruby Throated Hummingbirds babies are about half the size of the male or female it's self and the mother or father are only about an inch and a half long!An interesting fact about all hummingbirds are that they are the only bird that can hover and backup.The hummingbird are not shy at all!

Redtailed Hawk
Redtailed Hawk

The Red Tailed Hawk is part of the birds of prey. It will eat things such as mice,snakes,small birds and other rodents.

Redtailed Hawk
Redtailed Hawk

The Red Tailed Hawk's flight is very smooth.It does not flap fast it takes big flaps that are smooth.To tell if it is a hawk you are looking at just look at it's wing on the front about 2'' away from it's head and look for a little black line.

Barn Owl
Barn Owl

The Barn Owl flies at night to hunt. The flight of the Barn Owls flight is very quiet so no animals can hear it.The owl is part of birds of prey also.The hawk and the owl are eat about the same foods.The only differences is the owl hunts at night and the hawk hunts in the day time.

Mourning Dove
Mourning Dove

The Mourning Dove's flight is not too smooth when it is turning in the air.But when it is flying in the air straight it is a little smoother.It's song sounds a little like an owl.It sounds like this ooa oo oo oo.And when they take off they make a whistle whistle whistle whistle.

Mourning Dove
House Sparrow

The House Sparrow eats small types of seeds. Such as thistle or bird mix.It has a thick black beak in the summer but it has a yellow one in the winter.It also has a little bit of black under it's chin.It is a little agresive to other birds.It takes other birds nests.It's wing spand is not very big it is about 3'' long.It has small little pink legs.

Scarlet Tanager
Scarlet Tanager

The Scarlet Tanager is a very bright bird (orange red) with black wings and a black tail. This bird ranges mostly in the north east and south west.These bird's will eat peanut butter, bread crumbs and cornmeal. They also eat insects such as wasps,bees and caterpillars and fruits and berries.There wingspand is about 11-12 inches. And there body length about 7 inches when it is full grown.

Northern Harrier
Northern Harrier

The Northern Harrier also known as the Marsh hawk or Harrier hawk is a fairly big bird. It's wingspand is about 3-5 feet long and it's body length is about 16-24 inches in length. This bird ranges from Alaska and to Canada to South America,including all of the Desert Southwest into Baja,California. They live in Marshes,fields and prairies. In the Moab sloughs,Harriers are winter residents but may be observed in summer. They are not known to nest in the sloughs.

Red breasted grosbeak
Red breasted grosbeak

In flight the male shows rosy red lines under its wing. And it has a bright red chest and white underbody and a black tipped white uppertail. Also its wings are black and it has a little bit of white on the tip and in the middle of its wings. Its wingspand is 12-13 in lenght. And it's body lenght is about 7-8.5 inches in lenght. This bird is about the size of a full grown sparrow. It eats seeds,insects,caterpillars,tree flowers,fruits,and berries.The female has mostly gray and little bit of black scattered near its neck And some white on the sides of its wings and a little in the middle. And on the underbody it has white and little bits of grayish black. Its head is black and it has a white stripe going across to the beak. Also a white stripe going up the middle of the head too.

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